Grammarly vs PaperRater - Which Writing Assistant is Better for Plagiarism Detection?

October 08, 2021

As a writer, we are all aware of how important it is to produce original and unique content. Plagiarism can ruin your reputation and career as a writer. That’s why we need writing assistants that have features to detect plagiarism. In this post, we are going to compare two popular writing assistants Grammarly vs PaperRater for their plagiarism detection capabilities.

Grammarly vs PaperRater - The Battle Begins


Grammarly is a popular writing assistant that offers advanced grammar and spell checking, style suggestions, and plagiarism detection. Grammarly's plagiarism detection feature checks your content against billions of web pages to ensure that your content is original.

Grammarly’s plagiarism detection report provides the following information:

  • A percentage of originality.
  • A list of sources that have similar text.
  • Information on what percentage of your text matches with a particular source.
  • A citation feature to assist in citing the source within the content.

Grammarly offers a free and premium version, with the premium version providing more in-depth checks and suggestions.


PaperRater is another popular writing assistant that offers grammar checking, spell checking, and plagiarism detection. PaperRater’s plagiarism detection feature works by comparing your content to several online databases and academic libraries to identify any instances of academic dishonesty.

PaperRater's plagiarism detection report provides the following information:

  • The originality percentage
  • A list of potential sources with highlighted text
  • The percentage of text that matches potential sources
  • A score for your overall writing quality

Like Grammarly, PaperRater offers both free and premium versions with the premium version providing users with more comprehensive checks and suggestions.

Which One Is Better for Plagiarism Detection?

Both Grammarly and PaperRater are excellent choices for writers, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. However, when it comes to plagiarism detection, Grammarly edges out PaperRater.

Grammarly checks your text against billions of web pages, while PaperRater compares your work against online databases and academic libraries. Grammarly's plagiarism detection is slightly more accurate than PaperRater's.

It's worth noting that both writing assistants are not foolproof when it comes to detecting plagiarism. There is always a chance that a passage could pass through undetected, and false positives could occur when a piece of text is unintentionally similar to another.


So there you have it, Grammarly vs. PaperRater - the battle for the best plagiarism checker. While both are excellent choices and have their own strengths, we believe Grammarly is the winner.

Remember, regardless of the writing assistant you choose, always work towards producing original content. When you are using a tool to help you, make sure to review any flagged results and check them thoroughly.


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